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Attendance Matters

Why does attendance matter? We often hear from graduates that they wish they would have worked consistently when they were younger so they wouldn't have had to play catch up later and graduate late. The upside of out system at CPS is that it is possible to catch up on credits when a student is behind. The downside is that students need more individual motivation to do work that doesn't necessarily have a due date.  When a student misses school, he or she gets more and more behind, and has more catching up to do later, and has more of a chance of not finishing high school at all.  Please make it a priority to have regular attendance, and let us know what we can do to help you! ¿Por qué es importante la asistencia? Escuchamos una y otra vez de los graduados que desearían haber trabajado de manera constante cuando eran más jóvenes para no haber tenido que ponerse al día más tarde y graduarse tarde. La ventaja de nuestro sistema en CPS es que es posible ponerse al día con los crédi
Recent posts

Back to School!

Hello CPS Community!  School is back in session! We are now in our 2nd week of school.  As a reminder, Colorado requires students to attend 160 days in the year. Since we have a 4-day school week, we must cut our summer short in order to meet that 160 day requirement.  Due to technical issues, we were not able to send out this reminder message until now. We apologize for the delay. We look forward to having the best year yet! "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
 2024 GRADUATION!!! Saturday, June 1, 10am-Noon, at the school (332 E Willamette Ave). Graduates: - Get your Cap and Gown from kathy at the front desk ($20 to keep it, no cost to borrow for the ceremony) - Grads please arrive at 9:30am the morning of graduation and meet in the common area by the front desk. - Light refreshments will be served after graduation.

Winter Weather Information

Hello CPS Community, That "snow day" time of year is right around the corner. Forecasts call for possible snow on Monday, so I wanted to make sure you are aware of our winter weather policy. Generally, we follow D11's call for school closures ( ). However, we reserve the right to make different calls as well. For instance, there was one day last year that the district did not call a snow day, but we did.  When a school closure for weather is called, we will send out a message as soon as possible in the morning through our message service as well as post it on our website, facebook, and instagram pages ( , , ). As a reminder, we are a charter school, which means that we have a relationship with District 11, but are not a regular district school. For instance, we also have a different calendar than the district ( ). Therefore, please make sure if

Vape Policy

Hello CPS Community! We want to make you aware of a new policy on vapes at CPS due to problems with vapes being used inside the school. If vapes are seen inside the school building, they will be confiscated and only be given back to a parent or guardian who is at least 21 years old. Please let us know if you have any questions. Here is the specific policy: Vaping is not allowed inside the building. Vaping and smoking must take place at least 25 feet from any entrance. If a vape is seen inside the building, it will be confiscated and only released to a parent or guardian who is at least 21 years of age. Rationale Since July 1, 2019, the state of Colorado has expanded The Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act to specify that smoking or vaping is not allowed in any public building and must take place at least 25 feet away from any entrance to a public building [ Link ]. Furthermore, HB20-1001 raised the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21 [ Link ]. El Paso County has declared tee
Dear CPS Students and Guardians, We hope this email finds you well and excited about the positive start we've had to the new school year! We are delighted to see so many enthusiastic faces in our classrooms and feel the energy of a vibrant school community. Acknowledging Our Strong Start: We want to take a moment to recognize our students and their dedication to showing up, and getting a strong start to the new year. We have already seen some credits earned and some exciting activities and accomplishments. The staff has been excited to see everyone and to join with our students to continue to form a more successful school. If you don't already follow us on Facebook and Instagram, please do to see some of what we are up to. Our Shared Work this Year: Our goal as staff this year is to create trauma-informed, equitable, and consistent disciplinary policies and procedures. We all, as humans, have chal
Hello CPS Students and Guardians, I hope you are having a great summer and enjoying the beauty all around us in Colorado Springs! If you haven't already seen our calendar for next year, which we posted on our social media pages, you can see it on our website here. We are back to school on Monday, July 17th. We are definitely back before many schools, but it is because of our 4-day school week. Colorado law requires us to have 160 school days in the year, and a few more to adjust for snow days, etc. Since we have fewer school days in our week, we have to compensate with a shorter summer break. It's important that students come back in July so that they meet the state requirements for attendance. Looking forward to seeing you on July 17th! Sincerely, Raj Solanki Principal